Lotta Borg Skoglund

Publications, current affairs and what's in the pipeline


Youths & Illicit Drugs

How to prevent alcohol and illicit drug use among students in affluent areas: a qualitative study on motivation and attitudes towards prevention

In this study we explored motives for using or abstaining from substances among students in affluent areas as well as their attitudes to, and suggestions for, substance use prevention. Our results show the importance of parental involvement, substance-free leisure, and confidential ways to seek help with a non-judging approach from adults.

Published: 2021-11-07

Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy

Volume 16, Article number 83

Nov 2021

Pages 649-661

Co-authors: Pia Kvillemo, Linda Hiltunen, Youstina Demetry, Anna-Karin Carlander, Tim Hansson, Johanna Gripenberg, Tobias H. Elgán and Kim Einhorn