ADHD Girls to Women
Getting on the Radar
Original title: "ADHD: från duktig flicka till utbränd kvinna"

“"This book is an answer for individuals to better understand what ADHD is about. In this book, an explanation is given about many factors that women go through on a daily basis which is unfortunately misunderstood in society - hormones, up and down emotions and the various other conditions that are connected to ADHD which can be detrimental to women who have been living an invisible life and suffering alone 'without the much needed support they deserve'. We highly recommend that everyone reads this book, which is not only for women, mothers or daughters. Anyone who wants to know more about ADHD in women and girls needs this book." ”
In this book, which is very dear to my heart, I aim to, through research, facts, and stories from women I have met, describe how ADHD can manifest in girls and women, and what support is available.
In this book, which is very dear to my heart, I aim to, through research, facts, and stories from women I have met, describe how ADHD can manifest in girls and women, and what support is available.
Said about the book:
"ADHD Girls to Women: Getting on the Radar gives clear and compelling insights behind and beyond the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Focusing on key topics for female ADHDers such as hormones, mental health, family life and the workplace, women will feel seen and heard in ways which have been missing for years. This text will be top of my list for recommended reads."
- Jo Steer, Chartered Clinical Psychologist and author of Understanding ADHD in Girls and Women
"Every healthcare practitioner and allied professional working with girls and women with ADHD should read this book. Every girl and woman who has ADHD, or who believes they may have ADHD, should read it. It will give them a sense of validation, to know that there are people 'out there' who understand them and who 'get' them. It will help them to recognize that they do not have to be leaves in the wind."
- Professor Susan Young, BSc, PhD, DClinPsy, CPsychol, CSci, AFBPS
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ADHD - the art of living in moderation?