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Läkare, forskare, författare och föreläsare med ADHD i fokus

ADDitude: Emotional Health of ADHD Girls

Protecting the Emotional Health of Girls with ADHD

Safeguarding teen girls with ADHD begins when we empower them to understand their brains and bodies, to develop emotional intelligence and resilience, and to pursue healthy treatment options. Read this guide with your teen.

Publicerad: 2024-04-02

DT 200727 Teen Girls 123144813 Scaled

“I struggle to fit in. I try so hard to act normal, but I feel like such a fraud.”

“I feel dumb. My brain fails me all the time. It’s no use asking for help.”

“I’m always overwhelmed. If I’m not disciplined, everything becomes chaotic.”

We can’t talk about ADHD in teen girls without digging into emotions. Even before a diagnosis, many teen girls talk about the downstream effects of ADHD on their emotions. They call themselves “stupid.” Their self-esteem drops through the floor. They try so hard to be perfect that they burn or spiral out.


DT 200727 Teen Girls 123144813 Scaled

Protecting the Emotional Health of Girls with ADHD

Safeguarding teen girls with ADHD begins when we empower them to understand their brains and bodies, to develop emotional intelligence and resilience, and to pursue healthy treatment options. Read this guide with your teen.

ADHD - Den svåra konsten att leva livet lagom?